Archive for April, 2012

Rugby Tournament 2012 Overview

Written by arkthailand on . Posted in Updates

Nak Suu Tigers playing hard at Bangkok International 10’s Tournament

What a great success for Nak Suu and the Bangkok International 10’s rugby tournament. The weekend brought together nations from all over the world as well as provided opportunity for each team to hone and test their rugby skills.

Our own Nak Suu rugby teams from each age category played exceptionally well. Several parents and coaches from the winning tournament team, stated how hard our Nak Suu kids played. A referee  commented that the Nak Suu teams exhibited “great character and attitudes and they were a pleasure to referee”.  Nak Suu kids, we at ARK International are proud of each and every one of you!

Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the kids entertainment area, selling T-shirts, ball retrieval, photography and anything else you contributed. Here is a story from one such volunteer, Jason Webb:

“Last weekend, Feb 18-19th, we (DTS Perth) had the opportunity to volunteer with Nak Suu at the Bangkok International 10’s rugby tournament. I really felt that the tournament atmosphere and set up was an amazing experience for the kids from Nak Suu. Most of the other teams have grown up around rugby and most likely this is not just a rugby competition but an experience overseas.

I was aware that the kids from Nak Suu were treated not only as worthy competition but also as worthy persons that deserve respect, opportunity and recognition of who they are and what they can achieve, which is huge in building self-esteem and confidence. I especially loved seeing each of the kids being recognized with a medal as well as a team trophy for their efforts and participation in the event.

Overall, I see VALUE being placed on the kids who take part. From my understanding, the value they have, quite often, isn’t known to them because of their situations and circumstances. This tournament is encouraging their real value as a fact.”

Jason Webb, Perth Sports DTS leader, 2012

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