USA donations

For tax deductible donations, Americans have 2 options:

1)  Donate online via the Australian Mercy website.

ARK International is in association with Australian Mercy. It’s a reputable and registered charity in Australia. Be sure to designate your contribution to “ARK International Thailand”

Australian Mercy charges a capped admin fee of just 5% on all project donations it receives in order to help cover its running costs.

Please e-mail us at: to inform us that a donation has been given with the amount, date, purpose of funds, along with a copy of transfer. This helps us insure that your gift is assigned to the project of your choice. Unspecified donations will go into the general Ark International account


2) An electronic transfer to our YWAM Thailand account in the USA. We wire money from USA to Bangkok once a month.

Account Name: YWAM Thailand
Routing Number: 272480678
Lake Michigan Credit Union
Chequing Account Number: 101010310792

PLEASE include the project number #3894 and include Ark International on the stub of the check.

Please e-mail us at: and cc to to inform us of the donations that have been transferred to this account with the amount, date, purpose of funds, along with a copy of transfer.

Please note: Approximately 3% of your donation will go towards admin costs and transfer fees.

© 2004-2013 Ark International. Part of the YWAM global family of ministries